Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Popular Video Games

Here's a list of the top 25 best-selling video games of all time. Surprisingly, Halo doesn't show up until slot #25 - and that's just Halo 2. Grand Theft Auto has three appearances in the top 11 alone.

What is really surprising, though, to me anyway, is just how many small console games are in the best selling category of all time - the DS, the Game Boy, etc. Nintendogs, for instance, sold 14.5 million and was released in August 2005. It's a pet simulation game for the DS handheld.

I'm definitely feeling my age here - I don't even like having a real pet, so I find it even more unfathomable how it could possibly be enjoyable to take care of a simulated one. Yet, I know these are unbelievably popular. My son plays several different pet simulation-like games, and I can't understand them either. Of course, some of them are more social networking games, but I'm assuming it's not merely accidental that they have a strong pet simulation component either.

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