Monday, May 12, 2008

Over (almost)

Yay! It's done. I just gave my last exam. I still have to grade and I have two people taking the exam on Wednesday, but it's basically done. And, from the look of the class today, it was definitely an unusually difficult exam. The last class bombed it, and I'm sure this one will have, too. Which sucks. I take no delight in it, and almost always such outcomes mean I did something wrong. Not so much in preparing them for the test, but probably more in the test design itself. So this will likely be heavily curved. I hope they learned something this semester, tests aside. I think they did; they said they did, and they seemed different to me, but who knows.

On a different note, I laugh everytime I read this quote from The Office:
"Let me describe the perfect date: I take her out to a nice dinner. She looks amazing. Some guy tries to hit on her... now he wants to fight- so I grab him- I throw him into the jukebox! Then the other ninja’s got a knife, he comes at me, we grapple, I turn his knife on him. Blood on the dance floor. She’s scared now. I take her home. I’m holding her in my arms. I reach in for a kiss... I hear something in the leaves, I flip her around, she gets a poison arrow right in her back. She was in on it the whole time... but I knew."
Dwight Schrute said that, probably around season 2 if I had to take a guess. It's so funny and I can't quite figure out what it is that makes it so funny. First, it's got to be this funny that Dwight said it. If I were to see this written on the bathroom wall, I might smile, but I wouldn't laugh like I am right now. It's entirely contextual and rooted in the fact that I can hear Dwight saying it, and knowing that this is not a joke - it's actually his idea of the perfect date. And knowing Dwight, there's something bizarrely innocent about the dream, and that true love is in there somewhere. But secondly, the transitions are hysterical. Where'd the ninja come from? No, not the ninja - the other ninja, meaning the first guy was also a ninja! But that little factoid was either conveniently overlooked, or Dwight just took it for granted that his audience would know that the perfect had to have some ninjas in it. I think without that little feature - the "other ninja" part - the joke isn't even half as funny. And finally, "blood on the dance floor. She's scared now. I take her home." I'm speechless at that point. The closer isn't even the funny part - it's all the rest.

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