Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Crayon Physics on the Freaking iPhone

Great. Just when I finally had mortified the sin in my flesh, also known as coveting thy neighbor's iPhone and iPod Touch, thanks to the discovery of this bad boy (and yes, I am well aware this bad boy cannot actually access the internet nor make phone calls, but that's what we mean by inferior substitutes, right?), I learn that someone has made a hack to get Crayon Physics on the freaking phone. And it's tons cooler than the current 7-level version of Crayon Physics (which I will now go play for the millionth time), although it does not have levels apparently.

I will just have to continue to wait patiently for Crayon Physics Deluxe to arrive, and pacify my newfound love of all things related to computer physics by playing the primitive version ad infinitum as well as LineRider.

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