Monday, November 19, 2007

Leaving Las Vegas

Not actually Las Vegas. Just my secret lair. Got the computer (check), the clothing (check), the directions to the airport (check), the rental car car keys (check), the projector (check), the bag of stuff (check), and the dozen or so articles I feel obliged to read before writing my critique of the paper I'm discussing (check). I think I've got it mostly together this time. Of course, I am forgetting something - I'm just not sure what. I leave for the conference tomorrow morning, and will return Wednesday night, late evening. Because I'm only going for one day, the number of people I'm going to see is few and far between. But I'm not too interested in socializing this time. Because I organized this session, I feel obligated to make sure I am on top of the paper I am discussing, so I'm probably just going to spend all my time tomorrow working on that paper. Since it is so similar to papers I have written, it's an interesting assignment. In fact, I think my session will prove to be very rewarding for those in attendance, since I handpicked all the participants and discussants. But it is late in the conference, on the week of Thanksgiving, so I suspect the interest of the topic notwithstanding, I won't get many in attendance. Blogging will be sparse until I return.

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