Monday, November 3, 2008

Goodbye Bush

From an article about Bush's closest friends and colleagues:
Even for a declared optimist, Bush has appeared remarkably sanguine in this season of discontent. The economy is melting down, his own party has shunned him, and Tuesday's election is shaping up as a searing rebuke to his eight years in office.

Yet according to allies inside and outside the White House, Bush's mood remains buoyant and his attention is focused on the global financial collapse. In private meetings with business leaders, Bush has made a point of saying that he is happy the crisis happened on his watch so the next president and a new economic team do not have to grapple with it.

"His high energy level and spirit sets the tone for the rest of us," said Kevin Sullivan, Bush's communications director. "There's been no time to worry about any of this other stuff. . . . He believes the American people expect us to finish strong and to leave things in the best possible position for his successor."
I only voted once and that was in 2004 for Bush. I'll go to my grave a loyalist to Bush. I think, in the end, he put the country first and made hard decisions in the midst of gross uncertainty. His attitude, at least as it bubbles out into the airwaves and to my desk, seems to have consistently been that he'll try to take on as much as he can, bear all the costs on himself personally, and not leave the worst for someone else. You can debate that all day, and I won't get into that argument with you on this point, but I think his intent was that. I am grateful for the 8 years we had with him.


J said...

you DO think he's batman!

scott cunningham said...

I know he's Batman, too. Hence why I like him. :)