Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Where's Roger?

Right now, W. has a score of 45 over at Metacritic. There are, of course, only 4 reviews posted up there, so take that with a grain of salt. But, Newsweek, The Hollywood Reporter, Variety and the Village Voice all expressed disappointment. Maybe this was just a rush job done to try and influence the election and nothing more. If it is a bad movie - which would be unusual for an Oliver Stone movie as, even when you hate the politics, you can't help usually but love the storytelling and the execution of the film - then maybe that explains why it's not so great. I'm still waiting to hear Roger Ebert's review, though. Ebert is the bellweather for all things for me, so if he likes it, I'll be inclined to see it, otherwise no.

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