Saturday, October 18, 2008

Casey Mulligan vs. Mark Thoma vs. Brad DeLong

University of Chicago economist, Casey Mulligan, has been writing over at Supply and Demand that this is all much ado about nothing, and now has a NYT oped saying the same thing. Mark Thoma says Mulligan is using Ricardian Equivalence which we all know is theoretical (boy, did RE give me fits in grad school. I threw up in my mouth just re-reading it in Thoma's post...), and it sounds like Mulligan and Thoma (with Brad DeLong taking a few swipes too) are fighting in a traditional Keynesian vs. the whoever else fight. So I kind of only took a glancing look at this, in other words, once I realized I was going to have to pick sides, and I had picking sides. But maybe you'd like it?

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