Monday, September 15, 2008

Lo Tov

... as the Hebrew say, "not good." Apparently, the new Force Unleashed is getting crappy reviews. As a story, it's apparently excellent - probably the best piece of storytelling to come out of Lucasarts since Lucas started making the prequels. But, as a game, it's apparently boring, linear, repetitive, etc. The boy will not be pleased. But, since my wife is not warming up to the idea of giving the boy (and his father) an Xbox 360 for the boy's birthday, it'll be a moot point to learn that The Force Unleashed is not the app killer we were hoping it would be.

I read the graphic novel for The Force Unleashed over the weekend and it is great - really great. It bridges episode III to episode IV in an unexpected way. Won't say more than that, but check it out next time you're in Barnes & Noble.

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