Thursday, September 11, 2008

Latest Palin Gaffe?

Man, the Democratic party just cannot figure out what to say against Pilan without sounding like brutal or petty people. The South Carolina Democratic chairperson, Carol Fowler, said the other day (maybe yesterday) that Palin's only qualification for VP was that she didn't abort Trig, her infant with Down's Syndrome. Wow. Today, she apologized.

I don't think it's Obama's team that is screwing this up nearly as much as it seems to be his peeps. With peeps like these, who needs Karl Rove? McCain's choice feels like checkmate sometimes, because while she has no experience - which is her one biggest shortcoming so far revealed - to talk about it makes us all wonder about how much experience is enough experience, and does running a Presidential campaign really count as experience? So her very weakness is maybe one of her biggest strengths as a runningmate. Egads, that genius. Not to mention that her overwhelming popularity among evangelicals and conservatives suggests that Rove was right - that the Evangelical voting bloc that got Bush to be a two-term President is still alive and important. Very important even.

If Obama loses this, it spells disaster for the Democratic party. This is his race to lose, after all. If you can't beat John McCain with his freshman running mate in a political climate like 2008, then seriously, you're in the wrong line of work. Or you've got to figure out how to diversify your base a little better so that it's able to get at the center faster and stronger.


J said...

i can't understand why someone hasn't sent out a party wide memo demanding that no one say anything about her at all. complete silence. ignore her. if asked point blank answer with something like, "we look forward to hearing what she thinks on the issues, but right now we know nothing about her." anyone who says the name palin unprompted gets fired.

scott cunningham said...

No joke. It's less the Obama campaign than it is everyone else that is probably doing so much harm to Obama's campaign right now.

But now the damage is done, so how do they effectively discredit McCain without it backfiring like this? The debates probably cannot get here fast enough for Obama. He needs something to get the message back out there.