Thursday, July 31, 2008

Water Horse (3.25 out of 4 stars)

Tonight was "family movie night" at the Kinsey household, and we selected the wonderful family movie, Water Horse: Legend of the Deep. It's a fairy tale sort of film about the Loch Ness Monster, Nellie. It was a lot of fun, and worth watching with your whole family. Nothing too scary or anything like that, either.

As a kid, I was a fan of Nellie. I had many books on paranormal, weird things, like UFOs, Big Foot, and Loch Ness, but I kind of made Loch Ness my favorite at some point. Eventually, I stopped thinking about Loch Ness. Years passed, I thought of her again, and immediately realized I figured she wasn't real. Funny how that kind of change happens. I suppose it's less disappointing, though, than being confronted face-to-face with deeply held beliefs being falsified.

Youtube is of course a great resource for rediscovering all those old photographs and footage. This one, in particular, shows some of the shots I always found so compelling. ;)

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