Thursday, July 31, 2008

Random Links

1. The Twilight series looks kind of interesting. I hadn't heard of it til I saw the trailer for the upcoming movie, but it apparently is quite popular. Chicago Tribune reports on what a balancing act between sexual yearning and the absence of any sex, which describes some of this teen romance series about werewolves and vampires.

2. The surge continues to exert its positive effects on reduced violence in Iraq.

3. My wife and I watched episode 1 of Mad Men season 1 on iTunes last night. The story was about an advertising agency in 1959/1960 working the Lucky Strikes brand, at a time where the government was increasing its regulation of what tobacco companies could say about the health benefits of smoking. It's like a freaking time capsule, more generally, though. The sheer amount of sexism and racism was far more nauseating than the cigarette smoke in the air. I couldn't believe how the women and the African-Americans were portrayed in the show. Society doesn't even bare a resemblance to that period, and quite frankly, I can't really appreciate how anyone would think that that period was somehow morally superior to the one we live in now. We'll definitely be watching the rest of the season, and so should you.

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