Thursday, July 3, 2008

Arcade Game History

What happened today nine years ago? Why, arcade game history my friend - Perfect score on Pac-man. To do so, you have to eat every pellet, fruit thingy, and ghost for 256 rounds. It took this guy 6 hours to do it, but he did it, and it is the first time in recorded history that it was done, incredibly. Of the experience, he said "it was extremely monotonous." The chief scorekeeper that recorded the event said, ""The level of completeness is so complete it's difficult to find an analogy to compare it to.... It took tremendous skill. The focus is extraordinary," he said at the time."

Interestingly, the guy who won was once the world record holder of the Donkey Kong record. His name is Billy Mitchell, and he set the world record for the highest score on Donkey Kong in 1982 when he was 17. The 2007 documentary The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters chronicles Steve Wiebe's attempt to beat the record. This paragraph is really awesome. Yay America!
"I had the knowledge [to get the perfect Pac-Man score] in 1984, but my enthusiasm and the incentive to do it weren't there," Mitchell said. "We felt the Canadians were Johnny-come-latelys and needed to be put in their place."

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