Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Seinfeld Writes Carlin's Obit

When someone famous that I knew about, but didn't know very much about, dies, it's interesting to learn how important he was when people who I do know a lot about write about that person (wow - is that grammatically correct?). Seinfeld offers some recollections about his importance, both to American stand-up comedy and to Jerry himself, in today's NYT. The closing paragraph offers up Seinfeld's version of Carlin's version of life after death.
I know George didn’t believe in heaven or hell. Like death, they were just more comedy premises. And it just makes me even sadder to think that when I reach my own end, whatever tumbling cataclysmic vortex of existence I’m spinning through, in that moment I will still have to think, “Carlin already did it.”

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