Monday, June 30, 2008

Quantum of Solace Trailer UP

My son has one criteria for a good story. Does it have any killing? Well son, I stand here telling you that the new 007 does indeed have some killing, making it climb to the top of his list of Movies-I-Want-to-Desperately-See-But-Which-I-Cannot-Because-I-am-a-six-year-old. Seriously, I'm totally digging the new Bourne-inspired James Bond franchise. I am not one of the ones who liked the old style Bond, with the martinis and the womanizing. I did like the Casino Royale reboot ALOT, because I was one of those who discovered he loves espionage straight more than espionage camp when I met Jason Bourne. I think the success of the Bourne franchise showed the proprietors of the James Bond franchise how if they just tweaked the formula, they too could make millions more - they'd keep their fan base, then get people like me from the Bourne fan base. Win-win-lose (for Bourne). Quantum of Solace continues in the reboot Bond fashion, as far as I can tell. AND... I just realized "Jason Bourne" and "James Bond" have the same initials, fwiw.

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