Monday, June 2, 2008

Google Android Scan, or I'M FREAKING OUT1!!

Okay, I'm freaking out. Android Scan was a winner of some kind of open source Android contest - particularly awesome since Google Android will be open source, which my friend Matt tells me he thinks maybe forced iPhone to follow suit. Here's what Scan does:
Scan is an Android application that finds pricing and metadata for anything with a barcode. Here are some key features that make Scan stand out:
Check this video out. I feel like I'm living in the 30th century or something. Is this some kind of elaborate hoax? Am I going to wake up tomorrow and learn this is all made up? Because this is blowing my freaking my mind.


Update: Here's the author of the awesome program, Scan, Jeffrey Sharkey. You can also listen to his voice mail message from Google telling him he won $25,000. Nice.

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