Monday, May 26, 2008


Finally watched last week's episode of Lost (or the week before, whenever it was) last night with the wife. Argh! I was so anxious the entire episode I almost puked. I'm feeling so many weird emotions about the close of this season. I know the Oceanic six survive, so it creates so much confusion when I see them scattered across the island. Sun on the boat filled with C4. Hurley at the Orchid. Jack (sans Kate and Aaron) en route to the Orchid, and Kate and Sayid have been captured by the time-less tribe? How is this going to go from here to the six of them getting off the island? The other thing that is blowing my mind is to see the Six, off island, trying to start new lives. I mean, Sun buys out her father's corporation with her Oceanic settlement. Why would she do this? Is Jin dead? That she would go to such lengths to get revenge on her father by taking over his corporation seems like the kind of thing a person does when they are starting over, which implies she's "left" the island emotionally and spiritually, and not just physically.

OR, not. The flash forwards are cleverly telling a story of despair that when rewatched with new context tell a different story. For instance, Jack's relationship with Kate initially seemed one way, now seems another. So, I'm wondering if what we're witnessing is not a plan. Remember her words to her father? Something like, "When I get back, I'm gong to talk to you about the new directions for our company." On one level, maybe this is just her screwing with him. But, on another level, she has a plan to use the corporation's wealth to go back to the island - sort of like a new corporation to battle Widmore's corporation. You saw it here first. I will say, too, that I'm 1-1 on correct hypothesis this season. I correctly predicted that Jack's weirdness towards Aaron was due to learning Claire was his half-sister, and the most recent episode confirmed that, so I think you should definitely update your opinions of my now new theory.

But back to my pukey feeling. The other thing is - have we really seen the worst that is going to happen on the island? We saw the military team kill maybe a dozen people, and that's bad, but Sawyer, Locke and Hurley were the ones who saw that. And Ben. But not Sayid, and when Ben tells Sayid not to become emotionally involved and to remember what they did to "your friends," I got the sense Sayid had witnessed something. Plus, Sun mentioned in the carrier to Jack that "we are in shock, Jack." Which again is making me so nervous. Two hour finale this week. Can't wait.

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