Sunday, April 27, 2008

Salvador (2 out of 2)

I've decided to drop my old, standard ratings and just go with my wine ratings system, which is only three rankings: 2 (loved it), 1 (eh), and 0 (no). So I give Salvador a 2. As I've drank too much Cellar No 8 wine, I can't give it a decent review. I will just say it was powerful. I mean this in the best possible sense, but Oliver Stone is the greatest propagandist filmmaker to ever make popular films. I do not know what happened in El Salvador, so I can't judge the historical veracity of the movie, but this awoke in me such a deep fire for human rights that I spent 20 minutes rationalizing that a libertarian conviction can be no more than a belief in human dignity and justice. There are the other things - like the ambiguous but obviously crucial idea, "rule of law," and the utility of markets to organize society. But Stone's movie made me think that if I were to only be for human rights, then that would be a lot. I won't say the movie is "great," though it is. I will just say it hurt and it was powerfully effective. I give it a 2 under the new rating system.

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