Monday, March 10, 2008

LRC on Spitzer

The guys at Lew Rockwell are taking Spitzer to task. This is all news to me. Goes to show what living in a media closet in which the only access to news is the Internet (which means, if Perez Hilton doesn't cover it, I'm late to learn). Here's an interesting post from Karen de Coster, representing the extreme libertarian position on Spitzer's situation, you might say.
Everyone is right about Spitzer, of course, and I single out Bill's insightful comments about "derivative crimes." In addition, the seizure of private text messages and emails is especially disturbing to me. However, this ruthless slimebucket - Spitzer - has only become a victim of the totalitarian system that he worked so hard to enable and grow. This bastard doesn't deserve a single tear (let alone a libertarian defense), and in fact, it'll be justice when he faces the same kind of politically-ambitious totalitarian torment that he has administered to numerous individuals, entrepreneurs, and successful businesses. He has destroyed umpteen lives and business ventures in order to fulfill his ambition to ascend to the ranks of the dictatorial, ruling elite. May he join Nifong in the nether world of payback and ruination.

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