Monday, February 25, 2008

Lost Theories

In "Eggtown," we learned that Aaron (Claire's baby) was one of the people who returned from the island. Whether he is one of the Oceanic six, I don't know. It depends on how the national press would've counted a baby. In his testimony, Jack said there were 8 survivors of the crash, but we've only heard about the Oceanic six, which suggests two people died in the crash. If one of the people who died was a pregnant mother, who first delivered the baby then perhaps died immediately afterwards, that would bring the total number of people to nine, with still only six who get off. So we'll have to wait and see who the other survivors are, but maybe Aaron is one of them and maybe not. It does seem like the show is interested in introducing these survivors one by one each week, though, so maybe we won't wait long. Regarding Claire's situation, though, I have a few theories. They're speculative of course.

First, some background as to my main theory. As a plot device, I think the writers are telling flash forwards absent of crucial context. Without that context, characters say and do things that seem to cast them in a horrible light. For instance, the season 3 finale gave me the distinct impression that numerous Losties got off the island with Naomi's freighter, but now regretted it. Kate indicated she was living with a man. In fact, only a few survived, and Kate is living with a baby boy, and not interestingly her own baby, though we'd been given plenty of suggestions she might be pregnant. Earlier in this season, I got the sense the writers wanted us to believe they may have gotten off the island to save themselves, and abandoned their friends. Why would Hurley be racked with so much guilt and regret for leaving the island? Guilt and regret are emotions associated with someone making a selfish decision. But now I've thinking that Oceanic 6 survivors got off the island to save their friends, not to abandon them. They purposefully took the helicopter (this is my theory) knowing that it's impossible to find the island from the outside unless you have a GPS tracker on the island, and even then, it's treacherous. So, having said that, I think we have to interpret flash forwards with a degree of salt, because without more context, we may be being misled by the writers through some kind of subtle suggestion. Nevertheless, I have three theories about what happened to Claire.

1) Claire and numerous others died on the island. Ben says to Sayid, in "The Economist" (episode 3 from two weeks ago) something about how "what they did to your friends," presumably killing them or equally bad. Kate, from last week's episode "Eggtown" had seemed really uncomfortable with picking up Aaron when Claire asked Kate to do so. So, would Claire ever let Kate keep her child? Maybe, if she was dying or had died, Kate was forced to adopt the child and get the child off the island, per Claire's request before dying, or just simply de facto as a result of Claire dying. I think we're supposed to be considering that that is a possibility, though it's not the only possibility.

2) Kate stole Aaron from Claire because she couldn't have a baby of her own, and that's why Jack is upset and won't see Aaron. This is clearly an idea that they wanted to plant, because they showed Kate thinking she was pregnant, then learning she wasn't and saying to Sawyer "would it really be so bad if I was pregnant?" more or less. But, I think this is one of those theories that is just a trick on the writers' part. Ultimately, I think we have to believe that no one's basic character has changed significantly. And Kate would never kidnap a poor woman's baby just because she can't have her own. But then, why can't Jack come by and see the baby? Why is he so uncomfortable? I think there's an explanation for this, but it's not that Kate did something wrong.

3) Jack is upset and can't see Aaron because he's learned that Claire is his half-sister, making Aaron his nephew. Remember that Christian Shephard (Jack's dad) fathered an illegitimate daughter in Australia. That was why he went there, though he has never himself met her (I don't think; I may be wrong here). So, the coincidence is that Jack's own half-sister is on the island, and neither knows the other exists, let alone that they are each other's half-sibling. But, maybe Jack is going to find out. How? Because remember, Christian Shephard's body is on the island somewhere. Jack was flying the body back to the US from Australia, but the body is missing. Well, the new guy from the freighter, Niles, talks to dead bodies. In this theory, Niles communicates with Jack's father, learns of the connection, tells it to Jack, Jack learns Aaron is his nephew and Claire is his half-sister. And then something bad happens to Claire, and Kate has to make the decision to take Aaron and with the others get off the island. So, what I suspect is that, going back to Aaron, either Claire is dead or she is one of the trapped, and Jack learned just before leaving that Aaron is his nephew, and Claire his half-sister. He's just not able to deal with this information, because by the looks of Sayid's situation, whatever they are doing in the flash forward requires cold, emotional detachment, and seeing Aaron only reminds him of what he's lost and left behind.
I think #1 and #2 are clearly planted ideas by the writers. The writers want you to believe #2, but then if not #2, then #1. But I'm going with #3. It's a longshot, but I think it's got some legs. We'll no doubt see in a few months if I'm right!

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